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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

12 Internship Tips

1. Avoid Negativity: This is my number one ranking for the best tip you can take advantage of during internship. I believe that this is the first thing that should be on your mind before you go to internship because if you are in a bad mood or have some negative thoughts about something, any negativity will only spiral itself outward during your day and can possibly hinder any oppertunities that come your way! I plan to apply this by having a good attitude toward the company and a good attitude toward myself and my actions so that anything I do is reinforced positively.

2. Learn About the Company: I'd rank this number two in the list because if you don't make any effort to learn about where you are placed you will find it easier to put yourself in a negative mood like the first tip. It also helps to have an overall understanding of what the workplace is so that you can relate with your co-workers as well. I am definately going to apply this by reading anything that my manager gives me and by researching about the company myself.

3. Set Small Goals to Reach Your Larger Goals: This is an important one. Keeping your final goals in front of you will motivate you to eventually accomplish them. Setting small accomplishable goals will break up the massive effort toward your overall goal. I plan to take advantage of setting a goal every week during my status report to my advisor.

4. Take on all Tasks: Accepting work or even meaningless tasks that come your way adds up. If you are asked to do something then graciously accpect it knowing that you now have an oppertunity to show you can perform at any rate. I will accept almost any work thrown at me just because I love the challenge.

5. Ask Questions: This will most definately only serve to help you at your internship. If you are unclear on anything ask someone for help. Or if you need to know something asking a question will help you out.

6. Take Initiative: You want to appear as a well balanced and respectable individual so taking initiative at all moments is essential. I will demonstrate this by owning any mistakes I may make during internship, or simply by showing I can make deadlines with assignments and by staying productive.

7. Network: There is a lot of value in networking with others, especially at work. I will plan to make some nice friends and build a relationship with my manager by engaging in small talk but mostly just being a positive person to work with.

8. Schedule Meetings to get Feedback: Its nice to check in once and a while and feedback is a way to communicate effectively with my manager to know if I'm doing well at my internship. I can always be in touch with my manager

9. Find a Mentor: Finding a mentor to support you during internship will help tremendously. I don't really need to look far for mentoring on the Year Up side of internship, but at the internship itself I will need to seek out someone who I can ask for a little guidance in a questionable situation. I can always ask politely for help and when I get comfortable with them I can ask for more guidance.

10. Get as Much Exposure as Possible: This is what internship is all about even though it is close to the bottom of the list. I guess these last three are just things to always keep in mind before graduating from Year Up. I don't want to miss a day of internship because this is an awesome opportunity no matter where I'm placed.

11. Leave with Tangible Accomplishments: Yes, most of all be sure to take advantage of your time in internship and do your best. And finally,

12. Enjoy it

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